In the New Testament, baptism was performed as soon as someone surrendered to Christ.  It is a demonstration of your acceptance of Christ as Savior and Lord and serves a spiritual marker, a point in time, where you can be confident of God’s forgiveness.”

Answers to the most common questions.


  • What is baptism?

    • “Baptism symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.  It represents our death to sin, burial with Christ, and resurrection into new life with Him.” Romans 6:1-7, Acts 22:16, 1 Peter 3:21) 

  • Who can be baptized?

    • Anyone who is old enough to understand its significance, has confessed his or her trust in Christ, and is willing to turn form their sins and live According to God’s plan.  Acts 2:38-39

  • Why Immersion?

    • The New Testament examples of baptism are by immersion.  The Greek word literally means to “dip under water.’

Discussion Questions

  • Do you believe that Jesus was God in the flesh?

  • What do Jesus’ death and resurrection mean to you?

  • Add a short summary or a list of helpful resources here.