Are you growing the Kingdom?

Discipleship should be lived out!

How does a disciple live in the world?

To be a disciple is to be a learner, student, follower, or apprentice. Do you live like a student, follower, or apprentice of Jesus?

As a follow of Jesus, our lives must look like the life of Jesus. Although, we are NOT Jesus! We must strive to be more like Him in our lives.

Key practical ingredients to a growing faith…

  1. Practical Faith

  2. Personal Ministry

  3. Private Spiritual Disciplines

  4. Providential Relationships

  5. Pivotal Circumstances.

When your obedience to God intersects with God’s faithfulness, change happens!

Three Elements of a Disciple

  1. Following Jesus

  2. Being changed by Jesus

  3. Joining Jesus’ mission